TJOC DIY Wine Charms

I like to know that the used wine glass I pick up at a party is the same wine glass I originally set down, and I can imagine that most everyone else feels the same way.

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I think the easiest way to keep track of your wine glass is by using wine charms.  These are usually inexpensive to buy, but I love making them myself.

For this batch, I used my Cricut.  I cut out several small tags, added a few stickers, and finished them off by putting a small piece of waxed jute through the hole of each tag so they can later be tied to the stem of each wine glass. 

You can get as fancy as you’d like, or keep them as plain and simple as you like.  Remember to decorate them so they each have their own individual look – you’ll need to do this so (hopefully) everyone will remember which one is theirs.

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So go ahead, dig through your craft supplies and see what you can come up with.

PS:  If you haven’t already done so, check out  Their readers (including me) share some cute DIY projects there.  And a big thanks to Fox News Magazine for publishing my wine charms on their very cool on-line lifestyle magazine.


12 thoughts on “TJOC DIY Wine Charms

  1. Pingback: Add Charm to Your Wine Glasses: 20 Great DIY Wine Charms Ideas - Style Motivation

  2. These are so cute! Love them. You are a clever clever woman…but we all know that. Please share if you are so inclined.
    Thanks for the shout out!

    Best of Sunday dear friend. Sharon and Denise.
