Chocolate Covered Caramel Cheesecake Bars

“Good things happen unexpectedly.”  My quote for the week.

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Does it matter that I failed miserably at making homemade microwave caramels this weekend? Only if you’re interested in what I did with the failed batch of caramels caramel sauce I ended up with. 

I should have listened to the little voice that kept telling me to go to the store and buy butter and not substitute margarine.  But I didn’t listen and when my  caramels didn’t harden I wasn’t surprised.  I’m not complaining though because instead getting a pan full of caramels I got one of the most delicious caramel sauces to ever touch my lips.

So, what do you do with unexpected caramel sauce?  You serve it on ice cream, you dip fresh sliced apples in it, and you make something so rich and sinful that you forget all about the little voice that told you that you should have went to the store.

I scoured the internet for recipes that called for caramel and when I landed on this recipe for Deluce de Leche Cheescake Squares at the browneyedbaker  it was love at first site.

Michelle’s recipe looked perfect.  I did cut the filling recipe in half (since I wanted a smaller batch), I added a pinch of salt to the chocolate glaze, and of course, I used my caramel sauce in place of the Deluce de Leche that her recipe called for.

These bars are absolutely delicious.  I guess sometimes when you fail at one thing you succeed another.  

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How do you handle failure?  Do you throw in the towel, or does it make you more persistent?

14 thoughts on “Chocolate Covered Caramel Cheesecake Bars

  1. Pingback: 3 Favorite Recipes and 3 Years of Blogging | THE JOY OF CAKING

  2. Pingback: A Joy of Caking DYI Project –Make Your Own Earrings «

  3. Oh how i love caramel! I had one heck of a time trying to make them this year. Altitude plays a huge part (stuff boils faster, so needs a much lower end temp), and learned that the HARD way! These bars look incredible though!

  4. These bars look magnificent and if you hadn’t told us the caramel went flooey the other day we wouldn’t have known. They are begging to be bitten in that photo!

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